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The 2013 Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition

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  • The 2013 Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition

    This is in relation to previous thread regarding "a slightly new program" from last year.

    After lasts years Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition turn out, we definitely want to do it again. Everyone had a blast and wanted the event to continue and demanded it to be even longer! So I have done that this year and made things a little more interesting and more prizes.

    I hope we get some new folks to come down this year and make it a bigger & better success than last year! We will be giving out custom made Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition (SOCC) decals made for the event.
    Here are some pics of the decals mine on a few of our cars:

    *If we get enough interest, we will get tshirts made this year too!

    Keep in mind that this event is not exclusively for Probes. Last year we had many others: Super Coupe Thunderbird, Dodge Viper, Ford Fusion, Mazda 6 and a Ford Ranger!

    EVERYONE is invited!!!!!!!!!!! Bring the kids.....even better........we have a 5 year old daughter going on 6 in May and she has plenty of toys and a swimming pool also.

    We will be hosting the meet our our house again. I live just east of Cincinnati in little town called Felicity. Zipcode is 45120 if you want to Google it. We have around 2 acres which is plenty of room for cars and camping.
    Everyone is welcome to camp. Bring a tent / camper. All we ask is to bring an extension cord and you can hook up to our utilities. We also have running water, a bathroom/shower and kitchen for cooking if needed. This event is rain or shine and in case it rains we actually have an "out" building called "The Shop" that is dedicated strictly to cars and beer. We have plenty of room for FUN!

    We have a large pontoon boat that we can go take out on the Ohio River which is only about 5 miles away from us and also there is a large park about 15 minutes away called East Fork Lake in Bethel, Ohio. We can go tubing, fishing or just enjoy the ride................

    We have three 4 wheelers of our own and you can bring yours too! On the property that we have, we actually have a dirt drag strip for quad racing...... so we can enjoy that too!

    We had a few people show up friday and set up camp which is just fine!

    Before the event starts we always take a cruise like we always did at Hocking Hills. This is fun especially with the nice curvy roads and beautiful views that we have out here in the country.

    Also for those fellow Probers, if you haven't noteced the FORSALE thread yet, I will go ahead and mention it........ We have made the decision to part out CHEEZESPROBE. I have so many other projects going on and money is needed to fund them. Not to say I won't ever own one again.......I would love to.

    With that in mind.............whatever probe parts I have left will be free for the taking at the meet.

    Now on to the meat and potaotes..........

    The 2013 Southern Ohio Cannon Ball Run Competition
    Now we can’t just give out the detailed information about Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition, but here’s a sneak peak!

    Objective: You and a co-driver will travel in your vehicle and find the objects listed below. The team that comes back with the most points…….. wins 1st prize! In case of tie breaker, one example would be: whichever team came back first would win 1st place. Another example would be that the out-of-state license plate that is found the farthest away from Ohio, will win 1st place. Regardless of the place you finish in, everyone wins a prize!

    When: Saturday July 27th 2013.

    Time: TBA

    Perimeters: Will be around the immediate camping area; no further than 10 miles away.

    Items needed: You will need a digital camera or cell phone with a camera in order to participate. Pens and paper will be provided for you.

    Requirements: Road safety is paramount when participating in The Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition. We require you taking a co-driver or friend with you to help spot clues so you can keep your attention on the traffic and pedestrians without being distracted. If there are any reports of dangerous driving, you will be disqualified. Everyone is responsible for following the law of the land.
    *You may have more than 2 total people in your car during the competition.

    We will draw names out of a hat at random to see the order in which you will go out for your The Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition! As you get ready to start, we will hand you the list at that time. From there………. you are on your own! Have fun!

    Here are some examples of what you could find on your list:
    Picture required:Picture of 35mph speed limit sign. 1pt
    Picture of stranger wearing a Ford shirt. 5pts

    No picture required:
    Head south from McDonalds, go 1/4 mile……..what is on your right? 2pts
    How late is AutoZone open on Saturday night? 1pt

    Quiz Questions:
    1. What did Wayne drive in "Wayne's World"?
    a) Ford Pinto
    b) AMC Pacer
    c) AMC Gremlin
    d) Chevy Nova

    2. How many meals a year does the typical person eat in a car?
    a) 10
    b) 20
    c) 33
    d) 50

    Prizes: Winners will be awarded the prizes once everyone makes it back to the meeting place and scores are tallied. The official winners will be determined by the Vice President and Co-Vice President. The winners will be able to choose which ever prize that they want from what is being offered. Only 2 prizes per team to the driver and co-driver.

    Pre-Registration: I would like to get a sign up started showing the groups wanting to participate in The Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition. Please come up with an appropriate Team name. If you are willing to be the driver, please list the Color / Make / Model of your vehicle that you will be driving and list a co-driver if you already have one. If you are unsure or need one, that’s ok too. For those who know they will not be driving, but want to be a co-driver, please let us know so we can pair up teams accordingly.

    Confirmation of registration must be completed within 1 hour of the start of The Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition on July 27th 2013. Please see Chas Spires – Vice President of Ohio Probes or Sarah Spires – Co-Vice President of Ohio Probes.

    LETS HAVE SOME FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by SpiresBuilt; July 17, 2013, 06:56 AM.
    Come join us for the 2013 Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition.

  • #2
    Over 2000 views and no replies....... Wow! This must have been a serious one hit wonder! That or this forum is that dead. The show will go on with or without you guys, preferably with though.
    '06 Forest River 33' Travel Trailer, '96 PGT, '02 Explorer Sport Trac 4X4 Supercharged, '07 Fusion SEL, '93 F-350 Turbo Diesel, '05 EZGO TXT, '86 RX7 351W holy crap its a V8!, '94 SuperCoupe, '12 Yamaha Raptor 700R-SE, '12 Yamaha Raptor 350, '06 Eton Viper 90, '08 Polaris RZR. '97 Subaru Legacy. Wow. No wonder I have no driveway space........


    • #3
      UPDATE: This event is still going on. I have had alot of people texting me and wanting info. I know alot of peple are coming who do not participate in the probetalk forums and thats fine. You dont have to have a Probe to come! Last year we had trucks, thunderbirds and even a Dodge Viper!

      We sold our boat....... so that wont be a part of the event, but everything else is the same........

      Please come join us.......... post on here so we know you are out there! Bring the kids too!

      It was a blast last year and will be again this year.

      I have met alot of great new probe owners recently via selling parts on Craigslist and have invited them to come. For those Probe owners who do come.........I will be giving out alot of remaining Probe parts in my garage.............. FREE.

      Please read this forum.....and post!!!!!!!! Thanks!
      Come join us for the 2013 Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition.


      • #4

        Just wanted to touch base here............

        I am expecting roughly 10 cars and over 20 plus people to attend this year.......and probably alot more......

        I also wanted to remind everyone that I will be giving away FREE probe parts that I have left from our parts cars. I even still have one in the driveway you can take parts from.

        Beer is allowed for those have been asking and we will provide most of the beer free for our "end of the night Drinkin' games........" for those who are of legal age of course.

        We will also have corn hole tournaments as well........for those who are interested.....

        I am hoping to get the Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition started after 3pm on Saturday 07/27/13 but I want to make she we try to allow everyone to get there for those who are coming.........
        Come join us for the 2013 Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition.


        • #5
          I would love to participate in this. However there is no way I can arrange the time off this year. Any plans for next year being made yet?


          • #6
            Originally posted by ScottD961 View Post
            I would love to participate in this. However there is no way I can arrange the time off this year. Any plans for next year being made yet?
            Next year should be put on the books. I dont see why not.

            I know we all are busy with school, have jobs, a family and kids.........but we all need to get out and have a little fun these days....

            What better way to get together with fellow car / truck enthusiasts for some fun that you can enjoy with your family.

            I know my 6 year old daughter is looking forward to it.........meeting new people and camping......

            Plus, like I said before I will be giving free Probe parts away.......and there will be prizes for the all participants of the Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition.

            I also have decals I can send to those who post here on this forum.... send me your address and I will mail you one!
            Come join us for the 2013 Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition.



            • #7
              OH man , seriously ? OK I sent you a PM, and thank you. I think this event would be fun, but I already planned the time off for Flyrtle ,that and the wife has to go for some on the job training and with all of that I just can't squeeze this in this year.When you come up with dates for next year, LMK !
              Last edited by ScottD961; July 24, 2013, 02:20 PM.


              • #8
                Since I had a few questions from people......I just wanted to let everyone know that this is rain or shine. I know they are calling for a chance of rain, but the event will still go on regardless..........

                Any questions please feel free to text me @ 513-328-2664!
                Come join us for the 2013 Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition.



                • #9
                  how did this event go? it looks like it would have been hella fun. I would have loved to come but i had Marine Training on that date. Hopefully next year the dates will be better for me and by then I hope to have the A/C fixed in my probe! LOL
                  93 PGT- street/track build KLZE, All Go no show! Cracked block repairs in progress.
                  95 PGT- Daily Driver KLDE, body kit, 18in rims, cai, dual exhaust, plugs and wires.
                  96 PGT- Turbo Project KLZE, will be both Show AND GO!
                  1998 Eagle Talon Tsi AWD Street/Strip project. if you wanna know whats under the hood come and find out!


                  • #10
                    YEAH ! We want pics, how did it go? I'm going next year. If I had known that I wouldn't make Flyrtle then I would have gone to this, this year


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by illcool View Post
                      how did this event go? it looks like it would have been hella fun. I would have loved to come but i had Marine Training on that date. Hopefully next year the dates will be better for me and by then I hope to have the A/C fixed in my probe! LOL
                      Actually it's funny that you ask. Today, I was trying to gather pics from everyone so that way I can post some up here tonight for everyone to see. I have been so busy with things at home, I just haven't had much time to get on here as much as I would like to.

                      Plus, I finally got the Probe GT parts car out of my driveway..... prolly only to make room for another one soon. LOL.

                      It was a blast! Everyone enjoyed themselves including the kids....I know alot of people were up till 4 & 6am.

                      We had one new addition to the event that normally I only have at my own parties (bday etc) in which we have power wheel races. it's actually alot of fun to watch.

                      I have been talking with a few other PT mbrs and they are wanting to come next year..... So I am trying my best to make it bigger and better every year. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to speak up!

                      I know there are many that do not actually participate on Probetalk that came to the event and thats ok, I will still put up their suggestions if I receive any.

                      My brother holds DB drag stereo competitions around the country and I may see if he is available to come out next year and we can see how loud some of your cars are. Just a thought..........

                      Thanks again!
                      Last edited by SpiresBuilt; August 30, 2013, 10:58 AM.
                      Come join us for the 2013 Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition.



                      • #12
                        I added some pictures from this years event..............

                        Each year we hope to make it bigger and better!


                        Come join us for the 2013 Southern Ohio Cannonball Run Competition.



                        • #13
                          I wish things had of gone differently this year. There was a "situation" with ex - spouse and my children, Uncle died of cancer unexpectedly, and my wife had to go for some training , all at once. I didn't make this event, Missed Flyrtle. I did not do ONE car event this year !
                          I hope there will be a Flyrtle next year and I def want to do this event with you next year as well. This will probably be a stupid question: Can someone tell me what Hocking Hills is?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ScottD961 View Post
                            I wish things had of gone differently this year. There was a "situation" with ex - spouse and my children, Uncle died of cancer unexpectedly, and my wife had to go for some training , all at once. I didn't make this event, Missed Flyrtle. I did not do ONE car event this year !
                            I hope there will be a Flyrtle next year and I def want to do this event with you next year as well. This will probably be a stupid question: Can someone tell me what Hocking Hills is?
                            Sorry you couldn't make it.
                            Hocking Hills was a yearly car meet we held in Hocking Hills State Park every year since 2000. Due to lack of participation over the past couple years, we decided not to host it any longer. Instead, we started hosting the cannonball competition which has actually had a larger turnout and last year we actually had a probe show up (mine, with no motor, behind Chas's garage lol).
                            1997 Ford Probe GT MTX, 2009 Mazda6i MTX, 2007 Jeep Commander 4x4


                            • #15
                              Well next year, I should be there WITH my Probe as well so next year there will be two Probe's !

